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Flo Harris Foundation

Young girl blowing a dandelion
Young girl blowing a dandelion


The Flo Harris Foundation is dedicated to continuing the generosity for charitable causes exhibited by Flo Harris during her lifetime. General community grants which benefit children and safety-net programs are accepted. All applications are restricted to the Greater Kansas City area. The Flo Harris Foundation is not currently accepting applications from new applicants.

Fund Objectives

  • Funding projects and programs that will carry the name of Flo Harris, with a special emphasis on children and young adults, thus continuing her legacy
  • Seeking innovative projects for funding that could have a profound impact on a community issue or need
  • Funding projects that specifically impact Jewish identity
  • Assisting congregations in improving outreach to the Jewish community
  • Assisting with programs which help impact senior adults
  • Other projects as approved by the Trustees

The committee does not currently accept applications for capital campaigns.

Application Instructions:

Applications are due September 1.

If the deadline falls on a weekend, applications are due the next business day.

If you have any questions, please contact Beatrice Fine at

Grant decisions will be made by December 31.

The Jewish Community Foundation now uses Foundant software to accept and process grant applications. Please note that JCF and our partner organization Menorah Heritage Foundation share this grant portal, so be mindful that you are applying for the correct grant from the intended organization.

For questions about the grant application process, please email

Funding for our website generously provided by:

  • SIG